Free Sample Lesson
Wondering if LiveWell is for you? If you answer yes to any of the following, it is! - Corresponding Blog Video
Are you tired of the restrict and binge cycle?
Does the thought of going on one more diet make you want to cry?
Have you had ‘success’ at weight loss only to regain it plus more?
Do you wonder what the Bible has to say about food and it’s purpose?
Do you wonder what the purpose of your body is?
Are guilt, discouragement, and confusion part of your relationship with food?
Are you curious about supplementation?
Are you looking for some common sense guidelines to help you make better decisions about food and exercise?
Are you tired of striving for an unattainable ‘ideal’ body size?
If you answered ‘yes’ to even one of these questions, please click the link below and receive a free sample lesson. You will get a feel for the heart and structure of LiveWell and be ready to dive in and seek out God’s best for your relationship with food and your body.
There are many voices which we hear every day. How are we to discern between the ones to heed and the ones to reject?
This is especially true in regards to health and how to best care for our bodies.
God used a variety of Instagram accounts, books, and His own dear voice in my ear as I read His word to show me something vastly different from what I heard from American diet culture and believed for many years. He graciously showed me that His will for me was not to idolize my body but to worship Him with it. To use it to serve Him and to care for it so that it is capable to do the work of His kingdom.
Perhaps he has been tugging at your heart in a similar way.
Are you increasingly disenfranchised by diet culture in America?
Are you feeling dissatisfied with your lack of service to the Kingdom of God?
Are you not sure of the calling which God has for you?
Are you ready for Him to do a new thing in your life, breathing hope, purpose, and joy into your soul?
Our enemy used diet culture to keep me distracted, depressed, and discouraged. I was distracted from God’s voice by the clamor of weight loss messages, discouraged by my low body image, and depressed because I thought it was all my fault.
If this is resonating with you, click the link below to receive the free LiveWell lesson created to help you discern if it really is God prompting you into a new freedom. It will take about an hour to complete and will allow you a glimpse of what to expect in LiveWell.
You will see the format of the lessons and it includes all the elements of the course’ lessons:
Scriptural Truth
Action Step
Journal Prompt
Excerpt from my journal
Accompanying video
The topic of this free lesson: Is God Leading You To A New Freedom? - Corresponding Blog Video