The Goal Becomes Clearer

Have you ever started something but you weren’t exactly sure what your goal was? You have some early direction and rudimentary information but the target? That was a bit unclear. 

That was me when I started becoming an intuitive eater and ditching dieting. Food freedom, that was a major part of it. And increased mental space when the diet soundtracks stop. That would be nice. But beyond that, I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect.

Yesterday I had another glimpse of a goal that is emerging. They are happening more and more often. These times when I’m completely comfortable in my own skin. I’m not self conscious. I’m not evaluating my food for the day. I’m not wishing I looked more like her or glad that I don’t look like her. God forgive me. 

So, what exactly happened? It was just after our church service that I recognized it. I was at peace. My mind was turning on the message of faith, its simplicity and core-ness to life. I was envisioning how God has worked in my life and how he is still at work, changing people’s lives and building his kingdom of love, joy, and peace. One person at a time.

There was peace.  Striving had ceased.

That has become a big part, if not the umbrella goal of my journey. Distracted by food rules? No. Depressed by the upcoming swimsuit season. Not me. Discouraged by my shape as I body check in every reflective surface? Not any more! Focused on the task at hand? Yes. Looking for opportunities to share God’s love? Pick me! Free to enjoy food in all of its variety? Yes and amen! 

Our bodies are meant to change. They are encoded with very specific DNA which will guide those changes. We’re not all meant to look the same. God is very creative and we reflect his beauty. There’s no need to war against them.


I like that.

I encourage you to allow God’s peace to consume your thoughts about your body. About food. About His love for you as you are, today. If this is a struggle, consider going through LiveWell. In 18 lessons I lay out how God has worked an amazing transformation in my life. He wants to do it for you too.


Health In All Its Glory!